If your order isn't arriving on time:
- Be ready to wait 4-12 weeks more (from the last estimated delivery day). I know it's a long time to wait, but unfortunately there may be some delays with the delivers, and I'm not able to affect on those delays
- After that, contact me!
If the order is damaged:
Contact me right away! When contacting me, you need to show me:
- Photos of all damaged products.
- Possible package damages
Refund policy
All my products are shipped in excellent condition in strong cardboard boxes. If your order is bend or damaged, unfortunately I'm not able to affect that.
Shipment getting damaged or lost is very rare, but here's what you need to know, if it happens!
- I wont't refund the purchases with mild damages (the corner is bend a little etc.)
- At other damages (the product is badly, visibly damaged, package broken etc.) OR if the package is lost for good, I'm able to refund you 50 % of your order price.
- I will estimate every order problem case and possibility of refund separately, by hearing you and by seeing the possible damage photos of your products.
Can you sign my purchases?
Yes! Just remember to let me know that when you're leaving your order!